Pronouns: She/Her
Birthday: 23 February
Afamaversary: 14 November 2021
Timezone: FR+0
Colors: Blue/Green/Purple
Patterns: Starry/glowing
Themes: Space or Nature
To own one of each active species of afam and as many legacy species as I can without selling a kidney.
Active Species Current Goals: TBD
Legacy Species Current Goals - Dragonfruiteen: Bell Goat (Legacy), Broilers (Legacy), Centipede (Legacy), Chipskink (Legacy), Ruffled Serpent (Legacy), Bantam Fangar (Ver), Spirit of Shadow (Ver)
I am creating flight reps for each flight using scav items, specifically dragon charms, elemental catalysts, and shimmering blooms. I am always in need of runestones!
Wind rep (Skydancer + Spiral) - Sourdeer Moth
Earth rep (Snapper + Obelisk) - Zodiakey Fanrat
Fire rep (Coatl + Banescale) - Whispen Searing Jackalope or a Raza species? (planning in progress - next scav slot in Whispen's/Raza's queue?)
Ice rep (Gaoler +Tundra) - Storm Fox Rat
Shadow rep (Nocturne + Veilspun) - Zodiakey Satin Pocketmouse
Lightning (Ridgeback) - Fallen Crawler
Nature (Wildclaw) - Pearly Spingy
Plague (Mirror + Aberration) - Hydrena/Plague sprite base (dragon charm Mirror, dragon charm Aberration, shimmering bloom x 2, Plague catalyst x 2) [Whispen Yeen/Sprite Faux - Ordered]
Water rep (Guardian, Undertide) - Sourdeer Tadhop and Bunnerfly Lionsnake
Light rep (Imperial + Pearlcatcher) - Sourdeer Foo
Arcane rep (Fae) Scribbly Brightbeast
I love glowing afams so I am collecting Color-Catching Weeds to make Shimmering Bloom.